C&D Cares

Proud to support our community

At C&D Logistics®, we believe running a successful business means going beyond our office doors and making a difference in our community. Each year, we set aside a percentage of our revenue and allocate it to a growing number of charities and youth sports programs. This is something that we believe strongly in doing and an initiative we plan to grow each year.

C&D Cares

Community Partners

Langley Christmas Bureau

Langley Christmas Bureau

Each year C&D Logistics® works with the Langley Christmas bureau and sponsors local families in the Langley area. We provide each family with food, gifts, gift cards and other essentials to ensure that they have a great Christmas experience regardless of their situation. The bureau is an amazing organization full of volunteers that work hard at what can be one of the toughest times of the year for many families.

Visit their website.

2017 Fraser Valley Family Day

Fraser Valley Family Day

2018 marked the 4th annual Fraser Valley Family Day at the Langley Event Centre, presented by C&D Logistics. With live music, guest appearances by professional athletes, as well as face painting, balloon animals, bouncy castles, food and much more, it was a great time! This year we partnered with the Langley Event Centre, JRFM, and the Vancouver Giants Hockey Club to ensure an even better community experience. In total, 2018 saw over 5000 people attend the event over the course of a 4 hour period, and $28,000 was raised for charity!

Langley Food Bank

The C&D Logistics Pound for Pound Christmas Food Drive

The annual C&D Logistics® pound for pound food drive has become a huge success, and 2017 was no exception. Every year we reach out to friends, customers, vendors and the general members of our community to ask for non-perishable food donations at Christmas. C&D Logistics® then matches all donations pound for pound, essentially doubling the donation! We managed to donate over 10,000lbs of food in 2017 and all donations were delivered 1 week prior to Christmas at the Langley Food Bank, in an effort to help local families throughout the holiday season.

Visit their website.

We also proudly support:

  • Covenant House
  • Camo Friday – In support of mental health
  • Langley Rams Junior football club
  • Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation
  • Cops for Cancer
  • Langley Rivermen Junior A Hockey Club
  • BC Senior Games
  • Basics for Babies (JRFM)
  • Boys of Fall Charity Golf Tournament
  • Canadian Cancer Society
  • World Vision
  • North Langley Baseball
  • Fraser Valley Fusion fast pitch
  • Sophie’s Place
  • Langley Child Development Center
  • Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
  • BC Children’s Hospital
  • Minor Hockey

How we can support your event, team, or charity

QDoes my company have to be a charity?

No, we support Not-for-Profit’s that have a good cause. At C&D we believe in giving back to our community.

QDoes C&D Cares sponsor teams?

Yes. We sponsor many local sports teams all the way up to professional sports teams.

QHow can I put a proposal forward for sponsorship?

Provide our team with the details on your sponsorship and information on the program, not-for-profit or charity that it is supporting. We will only consider proposals that include both elements. .